After a long hard days work, having a night routine is so important to relax and unwind. Now we love nothing more than having a nice relaxing evening and dedicate as much time as we possibly can to pampering ourselves. We thought we would share our tips on how to make your night routine as luxurious as possible, and how get the most out of your 'me' time, as a this point we consider ourselves self appointed experts. 1. We are just going to start with the absolute basic. Water. We all know we need to be drinking lots of water, for our health, our skin, our overall general wellbeing. Only I think it is fair to say we all slack sometimes. Keeping a bottle of water besides your bed is a great to remind yourself and it definitely helps you feel more fresh in the mornings. 2. Hair oils/masks are essential to keep your hair looking healthy and shiny and essentially even remotely Blake Lively-esque. Our favourite has got to be anything with coconut oil, because not only is it really good for your hair but it also makes it smell amazing too! But for those nights that you just can't be bothered with your hair (we all have them) then our best tip would be to always apply your dry shampoo before you go to bed and not in the morning! It gives it chance to soak up the oils overnight and doesn't at all feel like 'dry shampooed hair' the next day.

3. 3 words, silk, pillow, case. If you don't already own one you need to get one asap! It is helps prevent damage to your hair, does not strip your skin of oils the same way cotton does and let's be honest it just looks and feel luxurious! 4. Speaking of sleeping... one of our favourite things about our luxurious night routine is our face masks. Whether you do one for 10 minutes, half an hour or our absolute fave, overnight masks, you skin will thank you! If you have not tried an overnight sleeping mask then we highly recommend, it gives all the good properties time to truly sink into your skin while you sleep. You wake up feeling soft and glowy and it essentially just adds more beauty to your beauty sleep! 5. Essential oils are our new best friend. There are a million and one uses for them, your hair, your skin, your health, etc. However our favourite ways to use them are a few drops of lavender on your pillow, to help aid you with a good nights sleep. Also placing a few drops at the bottom of your shower helps the oils soak into your skin on a much less saturated level and can help clear your breathing passages. The method also gives you an amazing light scent that makes it seem as though this is just your natural gorgeous smell (note this also works for perfume), you're welcome.

6. Nothing sets a relaxing luxurious mood quite like candles, for the spring summer we are loving fresh floral scents. Light some candles in the evening while you have a bubble bath or while you catch up on some tv and you will definitely start to feel like a relaxation goddess. 7. A vital part of night routine is the very end when it comes to winding down to sleep, no technology! We admit it is difficult habit to break however reading a book is much better for you mentally in terms of winding down and it is brilliant way to distract yourself from the screen. Who needs Instagram anyway? We hope you enjoyed our tips on how we lounge in luxury for our night routine. Let us know some of your favourite habits, products, etc. that you find helps you feel more relaxed and like the queen of your castle in the comments below...