Lazy Weekend

If like us, you live for the weekend, then you should probably accessorize your free days with a pair of our slippers. Whether you're doddering around the house, waiting to go out with friends, or simply have your feet up in front of the TV, slippers love weekends. There may be something quite liberating about being barefoot around the house. Yet hazards await; minuscule shards of glass, germs & bacteria, and sharp edges you can stub your toes upon. So you see, wearing slippers isn't just a comfort thing: we are looking out for the safety and well being of...

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The London Part

These days it's very easy to say something comes from, or is inspired by a certain location. Here's the thing though- Pretty You London does so honestly. Our creators are English, as are our designers, and where is this blog being written from? You guessed it- London! London is without a doubt the greatest city on this earth! Not just because of Buckingham Palace, Big Ben or the financial sector. Not the parks, shops or polite people. It's everything together! If you have never been to the UK, then we hope wearing our slippers  brings a slice of that magic...

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A (slipper) Fairytale

When you think about it, slippers are everywhere! Ubiquitous throughout life, popping up left right and centre! So it got me thinking, about our collective childhoods. When was the first time this seven letter word entered our collective psyche? It all started with Cinderella! Now, we all know the story. A beautiful princess, caged by evil, who's life changes dramatically when the glass SLIPPER fits! In hindsight, the glass slipper resembles more of a wedged pair of heels, yet 'the glass heel' doesn't quite throw up that nostalgic warmth 'slipper' does. And so let us not corrupt the story and...

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Slipper Culture

What cultural significance do slippers have around the world? Well, let’s start with Russia. One is expected to take off one’s shoes upon entry to a home. So far straightforward. You are then to wear a pair of slippers around the house. These are called ‘tapochkiy!’ Once these bad boys are on, you have been deemed respectful. How about Japan? Similar trend. Upon entry into an indoor area, you have to remove your outdoor footwear. It’s a hygiene thing! There are often shoe racks, called ‘genkan,’ which (you guessed it!) also contain fury slippers, ready for use! The idea underpinning...

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