There is a million and one recipes circling around the internet at the moment with an adorable Easter theme, however with so much choice it can be a bit overwhelming on what to actually make. We have rounded up our top 5 recipes that range from healthy and packed with protein to an all out chocolate overdose.


These little bars look so good and better yet they actually are good! These babies are packed with fruits, protein and are dairy free! The milk used in this recipe uses Silk's protein nut milk that is not readily available in the UK however it is easy replaced with alternative dairy free milks and a bit of vanilla extract.

Check out the method here:


A mix of cinnamon cheesecake and carrot cake?! Who knew such a dream existed? While the method of this is a little more complicated and includes a lot more ingredients than the other recipes, it looks oh-so worth it!

Check out the method here:


These may be the cutest Easter themed recipe we have ever seen... we would still love them purely for the adorable bunny ears even if they didn't taste that great. Luckily they taste just amazing as they look and boasts to be the best coconut cake you have ever tasted.

Check out the method here:


Who doesn't a classic Cadbury's creme egg? Who doesn't love brownies? Who wouldn't love these together... no one. While this looks like you would gain 10 pounds just smelling it, if you can't stuff your face with chocolate at Easter when can you?

Check out the method here:


A plain sugar cookie perfectly topped with fresh berries and a strawberry frosting, this recipe is nice and sweet without being too sickly. This would be a lovely addition to any Easter festivities you may be having tomorrow as the easter egg design is so charming.

Check out the method here:

We hope this provided you with some inspiration and if you try any of these easter themed recipes let us know in the comments below! Wishing you all a happy Easter <3

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