Halloween can be so frustrating when you are trying to choose what to dress up as. There are so many factors to consider from how much money you want to spend to how much effort you plan on putting in. If you're still on the search for a costume, look no further, we have rounded up some of our favourite go-to looks. Most of these looks only require some extra makeup so don't worry about splashing out on an expensive costume, just throw on some black attire and you're good to go!
For this costume you simply need a black dress, a white shirt collar and a black wig. Wednesdays look is pretty simple and minimal, just plait your wig either side and apply a smokey eye and dark lip. To watch this tutorial by Madeyewlook Twice, please click
There are millions of tutorials showing you how to apply a skeleton makeup look all over the internet so simply pick your favourite! We love that glitter has managed to find it's way into these tutorials this year so be as creative as you like with it! To watch this tutorial by Jade Deacon, please click
That's right girls, knife-liner is the latest halloween makeup trend. It's very much like your regular liner except the liner is silver with a drawn knife handle instead of a flick - some have even added some fake blood for extra halloween realness. To watch this tutorial by Omg Lilly, please click
4. A CAT
Grab that eyeliner from your bag and add some whiskers to your everyday cat eye and you're already half way there. Dressing up as a cat couldn't be easier with all the cat ear headbands on the highstreet, you could even add some fangs! To watch this tutorial by Giulianna Maria, please click
All you need for this look is your go-to brown/burgundy eyeshadow palette and some fake blood. Simply back comb your hair, add some bruising/blood to your face and rip up an old t-shirt. To watch this tutorial by Julia Graf, please click

If all else fails, go for the classic blood dripping from the corner of your mouth look - there's no judging here! And please, no clowns. Let us know what you are dressing up as this Halloween, we would love to know!