Another year has been and gone and 2017 is just around the corner. It's easy to think about the new year and completely push 2016 aside, however, it's always good to reflect on the months passed and use it to start off the next year. Here are some ways to process the past year and reflect on everything you've done and accomplished in the past 365 days. 1. Sit down, grab yourself a cup of tea and a piece of paper Prepare yourself mentally, reflecting is a form of mindfulness. You should be comfy, relaxed and ready to think about your year. 2. Write down your top 3 accomplishments of 2016 What are you most proud of? Is there something you set out to achieve or is there something you have made huge progress in? Whether it's big or small, it's still relevant as long as it has made you feel proud. 3. Write down 3 things you were grateful for in 2016 In day to day life we tend to take things for granted - it's okay, life can get busy and we can overlook things. Take time to reflect upon something you have been grateful for - family, opportunities or role models - it's all up to you. 4. Write down 3 things you learnt in 2016 This could be something you learnt about yourself or perhaps about someone else. Maybe you learnt a new way to deal with something or a new way to be more organised - choose something you feel is important. 5. How was I different in 2016, compared to 2015? What changes have you made or seen in yourself? It's important to look at how you've changed so that you can acknowledge that you are constantly moving and evolving/growing. 6. What is the most important advice you received in 2016? This is an important one - choose something that really made you think and act upon. This could be something you learnt from a close friend or something you saw elsewhere - write it down and remember it. 7. Write down 3 ways you would like to improve in 2017 When it comes to improvements, this can mean anything. Perhaps you would like to literally improve a skill or talent - or perhaps you would like to work on something less definable such as setting time aside for yourself. 8. Write down 3 goals for 2017 This can be anything, from something as small as reconnecting with a friend to something as big as world domination - don't ever limit yourself. 9. Where do you see yourself this time next year? Imagine your life and what you want from it, envisage everything you'd like to achieve and embrace it. 10. Lastly, tell someone. By sharing our goals we are more likely to achieve them. Research suggests that telling others about your goals almost locks them into place as we feel they are more concrete. If you don't want to tell anyone, make sure you check in on your progress regularly Although reflecting and setting goals is important, it is also important to realise that you are only human. No matter how much or how little you feel you have accomplished this year, just remember to be proud of yourself and go into 2017 fiercer than ever. What are some of your New Year resolutions? Let us know down in the comments! Pretty You London Signature

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