Once we are past Mid-October then we have officially hit gift buying season! It is always best to get as many gifts out of the way, as early as possible, so that we don't have absolutely everyone to buy for on Christmas Eve (last minute? Us? Never...).

If you've never had that truly horrific frantic Christmas Eve, then count yourself lucky! It isn't fun and it certainly isn't the best way to get into the holiday spirit - in fact, any spirit you may have had gets slowly crushed, along with your body in those horrendous queues. Hey, at least we weren't alone in our thoughtless last minute gift choices, right?

Instead we are have decided to be organised little princesses this year and get everyone sorted, early! Leaving ourselves with zero stress on Christmas Eve, except for the Christmas dinner prep, because yes, we are just that organised.

We have created a perfect gifting guide for your sister, your friend, your charming mother-in-law and even that dreaded secret santa, you know, the woman you've never uttered more than pleasantries with in the staff kitchen... we have got you covered.

Whilst some gifts are more personal, such as the perfume minis and prints for their home, in which you truly have to know the person you're gifting, others are perfectly standard and make beautiful end results. Whilst you know your mum would be over the moon with a gorgeous new skincare set, that she has always wanted to try but simply not splurged on it for herself, it may not be the most appropriate gift for your work secret santa! For that we suggest a lovely new notebook set or a beautiful crystal pen (I have yet to meet a woman throughout my life who doesn't love new stationary?) and no woman is ever not in need of more makeup brushes... you can simply never have enough.

A new set of pyjamas is also mandatory for Christmas, it is 100% always that one present you all open early on Christmas Eve to wear to bed that night (or is that just my ridiculously impatient family?). Whilst Christmas themed pjs are super fun and festive, they don't really warrant the same love as they once did in the middle of July... instead we suggest getting them a beautiful pair they can wear all year round. A pretty sleeping eye mask is also a great stocking filler. Of course, would this even be a Pretty You blog post is we didn't suggest the best gift of all? Slippers! We have some many gorgeous styles and designs that you would struggle not to find a pair for each woman in your life.

So there you have it, our beautifully curated gift guide with ideas for all different types of women this holiday season. We hope you found this useful and inspiring, if you have any more suggestions that you think our other readers would find helpful, let us know them in the comments below!

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