We have all spent hours on Pinterest saving hundreds of pins to our DIY boards, there are so many amazing ideas it's hard to find the time to sit down and complete them all! Luckily, some of the best DIY tutorials are orientated around Christmas so now is the best time to tick some creative pins off your list! One of our favourite searches around this time is Christmas gift wrapping, the possibilities are endless and there are so many ways to wrap your gift. We have rounded up 5 of our favourite wrapping ideas to get your festive creative juices flowing.
1-edible-inspired-decorationsObviously, we will be consuming high quantities of christmas treats - Gingerbread men, candy canes, chocolate logs - it's the best time of year in the food department. This year has seen edible treats transferred to wrapping which is a lovely idea, a gift on a gift! 2. JINGLE BELLS 2-bells Bells are very festive, one jingle and the christmas mood is set. Adding bells to your gift gives both a lovely sound as well as a little glam with the rose gold, copper and silver flashes. Bells come in all shapes and sizes so you can pick and choose what style suits best, they are perfect for styling up a gift in the most simple way. 3. CALLIGRAPHY 3-calligraphy Calligraphy is very much in trend at the moment, it's one of those skills that is lovely to master and beautiful to look at. Whether you want to learn calligraphy or simply print out your own tags using a font, calligraphy styles always shout christmas. 4. BOTANICAL ACCENTS 4-botanical 2016 has definitely been the year of the plant addiction - Christmas is always full of flowers and visiting a garden centre during the festive seasons is like a holiday in itself! Why not add some sprigs to your gift to give a vibrant, floral finish to your gifts. 5. UNIQUE STRING & RIBBON 5-unusual-string We are all accustomed to ribbon, however, there have been some creative twists on ribbon popping up all over the DIY scene. We love these creative takes on a simple idea, perfect for adding something different without breaking the bank. Let us know how you like to add a little magic to your gift wrapping down in the comments! Pretty You London Signature

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